首页 双语诵读中华经典 论语 学而篇 第一

学而篇 第一


子 曰 :“学 而 时 习 之, 不 亦 说 乎 ?有 朋 自 远 方 来 ,

不 亦 乐 乎 ? 人 不 知 而 不 愠, 不 亦 君 子 乎 ?”

The Master (Confucius) said, “Is it not pleasant to acquire knowledge and be able to constantly apply it? Is it not delightful to receive friends coming from afar? A man who feels no resentment at being cold-shouldered by others, is he not a gentleman [man of perfect virtue]?”



有子曰:“其为人也孝弟,而好犯上者,鲜矣 ; 不 好 犯 上 , 而 好 作 乱 者 , 未 之 有 也 。 君 子 务 本,本 立 而 道 生 。 孝 弟 也 者 , 其 为 仁 之 本 与 !”

The disciple of Confucius Youzi said, “Few men harboring filial and fraternal reverence are also fond of offending their superiors. Moreover, there has never been a man who refused to offend his superiors yet at the same time was fond of stirring up trouble. The gentleman devotes himself to cultivating the Basic; once that is established, the True Way follows. Filial and fraternal reverence – is this not the root of benevolence?”



子 曰 :“ 巧 言 令 色 , 鲜 矣 仁 !”

The Master said, “There is little benevolence behind a glib tongue and fine features.”



曾子曰: “吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎 ? 与 朋 友 交 而 不 信 乎 ? 传不 习 乎 ?”

The disciple Zengzi said, “Every day I examine myself repeatedly: Have I been insincere in my dealings with others? Have I been untrustworthy in my interactions with my friends? Have I failed to put into practice what I have learnt?”



子 曰:“ 道 千 乘      之 国 ,敬 事 而 信 ,节 用 而 爱 人,使 民 以 时。”

The Master said, “Ruling a country of a thousand chariots (a medium-sized state) requires diligent attention and sincerity, strict economy and support for the officials, and careful employment of the people at the proper seasons.”



子曰:“弟 子 入 则 孝 , 出 则 弟 , 谨 而 信 , 泛 爱 众,而亲仁。行有余力,则以学文。”

The Master said, “A young man should be filial at home, and respectful toward his seniors outside the home. He should be diligent and trustworthy. He should overflow with love for all, and cleave to the kind-hearted. If he has energy left over, he should devote it to study.”





The disciple Zixia said, “If a man diverts his attention from beauty to appreciation of the virtuous; if  he puts all his vigor into serving his parents; if he devotes his very life to the service of his ruler; if his words are trustworthy in his dealings with his friends – others may call him unlettered, but to me he is a cultivated man.”



子 曰: “ 君 子 不 重 , 则 不 威 ; 学 则 不 固 ; 主  忠 信 ; 无 友 不 如 己 者 ; 过 , 则 勿 惮 改 。”

The Master said, “A gentleman without gravitas will have no authority, but with sound learning he will not be shallow in vision. Hold up loyalty and sincerity as the highest principles. Befriend nobody not equal to yourself. If you have faults, do not be afraid to correct them.”



曾 子 曰 :“ 慎  终 追 远 , 民 德 归 厚 矣 。”

Zengzi said, “If the funeral rites for parents and the subsequent ceremonies are properly performed, then virtue will return to the people in full measure.”




子禽问于子贡曰:“夫子至于是邦也,必闻其政, 求 之 与 ? 抑 与 之 与 ?” 子 贡 曰: “夫  子  温 、良、 恭 、 俭 、 让 以 得 之 。 夫 子 之 求 之 也 , 其 诸 异 乎 人 之求 之 与 ?”

Ziqin asked his fellow disciple Zigong: “When our Master visits another state, he never fails to learn about its government; does he seek out the information, or is it offered to him?” Zigong said, “Our Master is mild, upright, courteous, temperate and accommodating – and that is how he gets his information. Isn’t his way of getting it different from that of other men?”





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  • 学而篇 第一
    • 学而篇 第一
      Book Ⅰ Xue Er
  • 为政篇 第二
  • 八佾篇 第三
  • 里仁篇 第四
  • 公冶长篇 第五
  • 雍也篇 第六
  • 述而篇 第七
  • 泰伯篇 第八
  • 子罕篇 第九
  • 乡党篇 第十
  • 先进篇 第十一
  • 颜渊篇 第十二
  • 子路篇 第十三
  • 宪问篇 第十四
  • 卫灵公篇 第十五
  • 季氏篇 第十六
  • 阳货篇 第十七
  • 微子篇 第十八
  • 子张 第十九
  • 尧曰篇 第二十
