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   虽然笔的发明很早,但是那时所谓的笔仅仅是用竹签蘸墨,然后再在丝做的绢布上写字,书写速度很慢。使笔真正具有我们今天见到的毛笔形态,人们则普遍认为是秦朝一位大将 ——蒙恬的功劳。

    据传,公元前 223年,秦国大将蒙恬率领部下在中山地区与楚国交战,战况激烈。为了使秦王能及时了解战场上的情况,蒙恬需要定期写战况报告递送秦王。然而,蒙恬常常为此困扰:当时的笔质地很硬,墨水蘸少了,写几个字就得停下再蘸,墨水蘸多了,直往下滴,又会把贵重的绢弄脏。蒙恬以前就萌生过改造笔的念头,这次要写大量的战况报告,这个愿望就越发强烈了。









The Brush Pen

The Origin of the Brush Pen

The brush pen, one of the “Four Treasures of the Study” (traditional Chinese stationery), has evolved continuously since its invention thousands of years ago.

The origin of it can be traced back almost four thousand years to the ancient Xia and Shang dynasties, judging from the red and black ink left on shells and bones unearthed from the Yin Ruins. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), the brush pen had already been produced and put into use.


  The original pen, nevertheless, was just a stick or piece of bamboo, which made writing on thin silk very slow. Its present form, as a brush, is generally accredited to Meng Tian (蒙恬 ), a general of the Kingdom of Qin.


  Legend has it that Meng was leading an army in a fierce battle against the Kingdom of Chu in the region of Zhongshan in 223 BC. Meng’s frequent updates to his king caused him trouble because his pen was inconveniently hard. Too little ink, and he could barely finish a few characters; too much ink, and the pen smeared the precious silk. Given his number of reports, Meng often thought of ways to make improvements.


  Between battles, Meng enjoyed hunting. One day after a hunting trip, Meng made his way back to the barracks with his game – some wild rabbits. Fat and heavy, one of the rabbits dragged on the ground, its tail leaving a winding trail. It suddenly occurred to Meng that he might have found the solution to his problem: “What if I tie rabbit’s hair to a stick? Wouldn’t it be soft enough to write with?”


  Upon returning to the barracks, he immediately severed the rabbit’s tail, tied it to a stick and tried writing with it. To his disappointment, the rabbit’s hair was too slick to effectively absorb the ink, leaving only twisted trails and broken strokes, a complete mess. Frustrated that his experiment had done nothing but waste precious silk, Meng tossed his “invention” away.


  However, Meng Tian was anything but a quitter. He tried many ways to improve the brush pen, but all ended in failure. A few days later, he stumbled upon his “prototype.” With the last shred of hope he picked it up. To his delight, the soaked rabbit’s hair, now surprisingly soft, absorbed the ink well. The brush worked beautifully on silk, producing fluent and full strokes. It turned out that calcareous water had removed the grease from the hair and softened it.


  Meng Tian’s alteration to the brush pen was pivotal. For two thousand years, the brush pen was inseparable from scholars and officialdom, and, with wider and wider applications, its manufacture was gradually perfected.


  The types of the brush pen affect the ways they are wielded, and vice versa. Materials for the brush include the hair of goat and wolf, and even fetal hair. In terms of hardness, there are rigid brushes, soft brushes and a combination of the two. The body can be made of bamboo, ivory, hawksbill, etc. As its form evolved, people attached increasing importance to its designs and decoration, which in turn promoted the evolution of calligraphy. It is safe to say that the brush pen played a key role in Chinese civilization, not only as a mirror of China’s historical and cultural changes, but also as a transmitter of traditional Chinese culture and philosophy.





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  • 第一章 中国风物
    • 梅:梅妻鹤子
      The Plum Blossom: Wife and Son of a Recluse
    • 竹:竹之韵
      The Bamboo: Gentlemen of the Plant World
    • 笔:毛笔的由来
      The Brush Pen: The Origin of the Brush Pen
    • 墨:墨的故事
      The Inkstick: More Than Ink or Sticks
    • 黄河:民族的摇篮
      The Yellow River: Cradle of a Nation
    • 长江:我的长江之旅
      The Yangtze River: A Cruise Across China
    • 北京烤鸭:聚德之地,千里飘香
      Peking Roast Duck: Where All Talents Gather, Fragrance Wafts a Thousand Miles
  • 第二章 中国习俗
    • 端午:端午的纪念
      The Dragon Boat Festival: Time for Memorials
    • 中秋:后羿射日与嫦娥奔月
      The Mid-Autumn Festival: Story of the Archer and His Wife on the Moon
    • 祭祖:清明祭祖
      Memorializing the Ancestors: Day of Ancestor Worship
    • 十二生肖:有趣的动物纪年法
      The Twelve Zodiac Animals: Animal Chronology
    • 思乡:未了的乡愁
      Homeward Bound: Lingering Nostalgia
    • 伤春悲秋:草木有情,春秋含泪
      Chinese Sentimentality: Oh, That Spring of Melancholy and Autumn of Sorrow!
  • 第三章 中国人物
    • 大禹:寻找规律的治水者
      Yu the Great: Following Nature to Control the Floods
    • 孔子:学而不厌终身笃行的孔子
      Confucius: Lifetime of Tireless Learning and Earnest Practice
    • 孟子:孟子幼时志于学
      Mencius: Early Dedication to Learning
    • 老子:驾青牛西去也
      Laozi: Westward Bound on My Ox
    • 庄子:追求自由的庄子
      Zhuangzi: My Mind, Where Freedom Reigns
    • 孙武:兵圣孙武
      Sun Wu: Sage of Strategy
    • 李冰:“天府之国”的缔造者
      Li Bing: Creator of the “Land of Plenty”
  • 第四章 中国成就
  • 第五章 中国艺术
  • 第六章 中国精神
